Institute News
On Friday, May 17, 2024, we hosted a booth at the 14th Bonn Night of Science as one of about 20 local research and scientific institutions. In our joint tent with the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, we informed visitors about our research mission and the Max Planck Society. The visitors were invited to watch a livestream of our Electron Microscope and to talk with several of our young researchers about their projects. An interactive screen displayed a variety of short video clips featuring interviews with our group leaders and overviews of recent publications.
One highlight for visitors, both young and old, was facing the challenge of operating "the claw," a motorized gripper that demonstrates the function of neuroprosthetics responding to muscle potentials on the forearm. Everyone who took up the challenge or solved our online quiz about our research received a small prize. Younger visitors could get their own tattoo or craft their own brain hat.
As in previous years, we are very happy about the great interest in our research and the many inspiring conversations with our visitors. We are already looking forward to next time.